These are graphic animal surgery clips from the new reality show, EXOTIC PET HOSPITAL, about Avian and Exotic small animals, reptiles, rabbits, and other types of animals and wildlife.
EXOTIC ANIMAL HOSPITAL examines bird and exotic small animal health conditions and treatments, care, maintenence, habitat, and living conditions. There is a lot of information about correct methods of Exotic Pet care in this program. Stay tuned for more to come...
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How To Solve A Cloudy Fish Tank By Timothy Kessler
A common problem that troubles even the most experienced fish breeder is a cloudy fish tank and how it can get that way. Solving the problem of a cloudy fish tank is also not entirely straightforward as it depends on a number of different factors such as what caused it to be cloudy as well as what color is the water in the fish tank.
What we will do in this article is to consider a new fish tank first and continue through the life cycle that it goes through.
When you first set up a brand new aquarium, you might get a cloudy fish tank immediately. When a tank is first set up the water may well seem cloudy immediately. This is generally because there are little bubbles of air which will usually disappear in a few hours.
A brand new aquarium has not had the time to properly go through a nitrogen cycle and thus is not prepared to cope with the waste produced by the aquatic life in the tank. At first you will notice the tank water turn a milky white which is an indication that the bacteria has begun to multiply. These bacteria multiply very quickly causing the milkiness of a cloudy fish tank. In this case, you will not need to do anything as it will fade away as the nitrogen cycle is stabilized and it does not harm the fish. A partial water change involving about less than a quarter of the tank water will help speed up the process. Just make sure that you do not feed the fish to much or you will encourage more bacterial blooms that will turn the water cloudy again.
A cloudy fish tank that looks brownish in color is generally caused by contamination from the aquarium ornaments. Before putting anything into the tank you need to ensure that it is friendly to your fish and that it is thoroughly washed. Never use detergent to wash anything that you will put into the tank. Certain ornaments especially if they are made from clay may deteriorate if soaked too long in water.
Driftwood or bogwood does tend to turn the water brown. This is due to the tannin that is releases into the water when it is first soaked. It will eventually sink to the bottom of the tank and can be vacuumed up, or partial water changes can also help. It is always a good idea to soak new wood for a day or to separately before adding it into the aquarium.
There are some of the way that you can solve a cloudy fish tank.
Firstly, do not over feed the fish. Your fish should be able to consume everything in under two minutes. Longer than this and the excess food will sink to the bottom and encourage bacterial growth which will eventually give you a cloudy fish tank.
Secondly, vacuum the gravel periodically. To help you with this task, you can have bottom feeders in your aquarium to consume left over food that sink to the bottom.
Thirdly, do not have too many fish in your tank. An old rule which you can follow is the inch to a gallon rule. An inch of a fish to a gallon of tank water. Also be wary of fish that breed too fast such as Guppy. There are also fish that produce more waste than others, goldfish being the biggest culprit here.
Lastly, never do large water changes. This upsets the nitrogen cycle of your aquarium. Always do partial water changes of never more than a quarter of the water in the tank.
In most cases, a cloudy fish tank can be easily solved and prevent with a good routine maintenance. Some thing as easy as weekly water changes can be effective to solve not only a cloudy fish tank but many other aquarium problems as well.
Educate Yourself With Tropical Fish Guides By Chris Hartpence
ropical fish guides can help you decide on how to populate your new aquarium. These books will describe the different varieties of fish available. They will also go into some detail on their preferred habitats, whether they are placid or aggressive by nature etc. You should also be able to find out which species can co-habit and what species to avoid altogether in a mixed environment.
The more common types of tropical fish are available at most pet stores or your local aquarium outlet. Most people will want some Neon Tetras as they are very attractive with their bright colored bodies. They are also a very peaceful fish so you don't need to worry about them fighting.
The tropical fish guides will also give you some directions on how to set up your aquarium. The most obvious is whether you will use freshwater or salt water but that is not the only consideration. Some varieties of fish are rock dwellers and to flourish they need some of their natural habitat in the water. Others are used to living in the Coral reef so would prefer a tank with some coral material in it. You should be trying to replicate their natural habitat as much as possible and all questions you may have should be answered at least in part by the guides.
Your guide will also give you some direction on the size of tank required. Some tropical fish need more space than others and one of the classic mistakes beginners will make is to buy too many fish for a small tank. The water will need to be regularly checked for nitrate levels. The position of the tank is also important as you cannot have fish situated in direct sunlight or over a heater.
There is a lot to owning fish and reading some tropical fish guides is only the start of your education!
3 Most Important Discus Information Tips By Mark Frost
Having a pet fish in your home can be quite rewarding since aside from the fact that fish are adorable and easy to care for, they also help create a more vibrant and lively aura in the room.
If you are a fish enthusiast or you simply just want to have a fish for a pet, then perhaps you might wish to get a discus fish. These tropical fish are simply fascinating with their unique diamond shaped flat bodies as well as their exquisite colors that seem to glow under water. But before heading out to the pet store and get one, you must first learn discus information so that you'll have an idea on how to take care of them.
Suitable environment
You may learn by reading a guidebook that if you get a discus for a pet, you need to set up a place for it to live. Getting a simple aquarium filled with water is not enough as you need to have a more conducive environment for the discus as this will serve as its habitat.
Depending on the number of fish you wish to have as well as the allocated space in your house, it would be great if you could buy a big fish tank or aquarium so that the fish will have lots of room to swim in. Plus, you can also put other tank ornaments like water plants and pebbles. You also need to consider getting tank filters that will help keep the water clean so that the living conditions for the discus remains healthy.
Most information that you'll find will include details about the water temperature for the fish. Since these fish are used to the tropics, they survive best when the water is warm. When filling up the aquarium, use a thermometer to gauge the temperature.
Make sure that it is about 82 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit with a pH level of about 6.5. You can also place some underwater plants to help filter out the bacteria and increase the oxygen levels in the water. Likewise, the plants can also be a great place for the discus fish to hide when threatened.
Feeding requirements
Discus information also includes feeding requirements for the discus fish. Like all living things, they also need sustenance in order to survive. While, when in their natural environment, they eat tropical plants and algae, living in a controlled habitat may make it more difficult for them to fend for themselves.
You can help by placing some tropical plants that they usually chew on as some of these are available in pet stores. But the more recommended thing to do is to provide them with fish food like dried flakes. These things are easily found in pet stores and contain essential vitamins and nutrients that will help nourish the discus.
Finding companions
Perhaps one important tip is that you need to know is about finding mates or companions for your pet discus. These fish are not hostile creatures. In fact, they are able to live well with other types of tropical fish.
However, getting bigger fish than the discus might become a problem as the bright colors from discus skin may attract the attention from the bigger fish and they may end up bothering the discus. It would be better to get fish like the neon tetras and the rams.
Routine Maintenance
Your involvement in paying attention to much-needed care for Dogs Dogs are always healthy and happy. Routine maintenance daily, monthly, even once a year should always get more attention for mental and physical well maintained pet dog., Among others are:
Providing proper nutrition
Train Dogs
Monitoring behavior, body, and appearance Dogs
Provide activities that stimulate physical and mental
Set the vaccination schedule
Overseeing the growth of parasites that interfere with
Body condition
Pet dog would have suffered if they get overweight if they are not getting enough exercise in relation to the food they receive daily. Being overweight can give serious adverse effects can even shorten the life of dogs. To avoid that pet dogs are not overweight, you should always discuss or ask the breeder or veterinarian.
Urine and feces
It is important to note whether the dog's pet in good health or not:
Looks anxious when urinating or defecating
Throw dirt at places that are not normally, such as in a house but normally never defecate in the house
There was blood in the stools
There are worms in feces
Any deviation from the usual thing to do when dog waste water must always be monitored. If things like this lasts more than a day, already you should go to the vet.
Public Behavior
If your pet dog knows well, so there is a change in her behavior, you immediately realize it. When the dog suddenly looks like a depressed and remain silent while usually always active and cheerful, it signifies that the dog was in poor condition. Do not forget to make a small note about the symptoms is not good on the Dogs for yourself when you take him to the vet can know what pain he suffered.
You should always keep the rules of what is allowed and what is not on your pet dog in a daily workout. Make sure you always give good command voice or gestures are the same for dogs easily understand it. Notify also to other family members or guests who come to obey the rules that you have created.
How Dispensing In Dogs
How Dispensing In Dogs
Administration of drugs on your pet dog surely you will ever make in a lifetime. Dogs that do not require the administration of drugs sakitpun namely vitamins or worm medicine that should be given regularly for 3 months.
It's easy to give medication if the dog has a high sangt appetite. You can just put the drug with food or eating places even like he was providing snacks (snacks) just a dog to easily swallow drugs without chewing.
Dogs who have a low appetite often refuse medication that we give even though they were feeling for a dog like him. Here is discussed tips and tricks How did give the drug with ease: mixed with food, pill-shaped drug delivery by force, and administration of drugs in the form of syrup or liquid with force by type of drug tablets.
Mixing Drugs In Food
If dogs have a high appetite destroying pills you live or stirring the syrup on his food. For dogs that lower appetite, you can insert a pill in the meat raw or cooked, break up pills into several parts if the size is too big or pills to ease administration. For drug delivery berbentu syrup / liquid should be mixed with foods that have a pungent smell like canned dog food or you can create your own burger with meat mixture, ham or sausage for medicinal smell does not smell. If a sense of bitter medicine, you can give a little extra sugar or honey.
A. Put the pill in place to eat dogs. The conditions under which eating should be in the dry state.
B. Using a spoon, crush the pill to a fine powder.
C. Mix the powder with water to dissolve the drug.
D. Stir until blended foods.
Dispensing Pills In Force
If the above inconvenient or not managed in the form of pill medication should be given by force like the photo below:
1. Hold the dog's mouth with both hands, left hand holds the top while holding the bottom right hand while holding the medication to be given. Insert a finger between the jaws of a dog to make it easier to open a dog's mouth.
2. Press the center of the upper jaw, pulling upward.
3. Insert your thumb into the mouth and position it in the jaw while menahn for the mouth is open.
4. You also can put a thumb between canines and molars to hold the dog's mouth to keep it open.
5. Enter the pill gets most of the dog's mouth near the throat by way of throwing.
6. If the way number 5 does not work, you can put the pill near the esophagus by means include it with your hands. Place the pill near the esophagus and above the tongue. After the drug immediately put in place the right dog to shut up like the picture number 1 and hold for a while until the dog out her tongue a few times. If the dog has issued a tongue means the drug has been ingested. Immediately give a drink or snack and watch a few moments after removing the handle, if the drug does not swallow or spit then repeat the above. Do not forget to praise and caress the dog so the dog is finished taking medication for stress and happy dog is not given the drug.
Dispensing Syrup / Liquid In Force
If the bitter medicine should be mixed with honey, sugar or artificial sweetener for dogs like the taste and make it easier to swallow. According to Ward drh.Agus from Surabaya, the syrup form of medication should be diluted in advance in order to more easily swallowed by the dog.
1. To facilitate the administration of drugs in liquid form should you use an injection needle marks which had been removed. Do not forget to wash first with soap and make sure it is clean syringes. Use syringes vaccinations or you can request a syringe Beks animal didokter your subscription. If you do not have a syringe, you can use a pipette that allow you to shop OBT or pharmacy.
2. Keep the dog's mouth is closed, input your left hand thumb at the rear section of the jaw.
3. Slide the syringe or pipette containing the drug. Remember, the input drug slowly as if in a hurry or fast can cause a dog choking. Automatically when the drug dog will lick entered slowly, for drugs that have a sweet taste dogs will be more pleased.
Once completed, give snacks that he likes and praise once completed give drugs for drug delivery into a pleasant thing for him.
Get used to open a dog's mouth since the earliest possible age for a dog accustomed to and not difficult if you want to be given medication by force ..
Select the medicines made specifically for dogs because it has a flavor that is sure liked by dogs.