Heartworm Treatment For Cats
As most pet owners already know, heartworm treatment for cats and dogs isn’t the same. Never, under any circumstances, should you give your cat heartworm treatment that is designed for a dog – or vice versa. Even though you may own both dogs and cats, you should always give them medicine that is designed for their species.
No matter how you look at it, heartworm treatment isn’t easy. Your goal is to get rid of the heartworms, although there are several factors that you’ll need to consider. The first thing to do is take your cat to the vet, as he will be able to run tests to determine just how many heartworms your pet has. He can also find out how the worms are affecting your cat and if your cat can deal with any side effects that the treatment medicine may impose.
Heartworms are a very serious condition, as the worms will feast on the vital areas around your cat’s heart. Treatment can be serious as well, especially if something goes wrong. Veterinarians are trained to deal with heartworms though, in both cats and dogs. Even though you may be able to buy treatment medicine at your local department store, you should always consult with your vet before you give anything to your pet.
Heartworm Treatment For Cats
Teaching Kids And Pets To Co-Exist Peacefully
It is possible for children and pets to coexist in the same household, peacefully. Many people mistakenly think that as soon as they start having children that their pet needs to head to the local shelter. They fear that the cat or dog will not get along with the new child and it will result in biting or scratching. This is not always the case and if you take the time to introduce your pets to your children properly, your kids and pets can live in harmony.
Helping Your Cat Stay Healthy
To keep your cat healthy a majority of time, all you really need to do is give him good shelter, food, and plenty of water. Like other living things however, cats can get sick from time to time no matter what you do.
As a cat owner, you’ll want to ensure that you feed your cat only the best. Premium cat food is the ideal for cats, as the food is designed to keep your pet happy and healthy. You’ll also need to pay attention to his behavior, so you’ll know when he’s sick and when to take him to the vet. Most of the more common ailments and sicknesses are minor, although there are some cases where a vet can be the determining factor between life and death for your cat.
Your cat’s behavior will be one of the most critical factors when you are trying to determine whether or not he is under the weather. Acting sluggish, laying around all the time, lack of energy and not eating are all signs that you need to take him to the vet immediately. His coat is also a good thing to watch as well. If you notice his coat dull and patchy or notice him shedding abnormally, you should contact your vet as soon as you possibly can.
Diarrhea and vomiting are sometimes common, even with basic sickness. On the other hand, if your cat seems to be doing either one of the two for more than a day, you should contact your veterinarian. Coughing is common as well, simply because coughing will cats dislodge hairballs. If your cat seems to be coughing for another reason, you should have him checked out as soon as possible.
To ensure that your cat isn’t subjected to various diseases, you should always make sure that he stays up do date with his vaccinations. There are several diseases out there that require vaccinations, including rabies and feline distemper. Feline distemper is one of most devastating diseases a cat can get, yet it is also one of the easiest to prevent as well. The disease strikes cats very fast, and leaves you as an own very little time to seek treatment.
Feline leukemia is another disease that is very deadly, yet can be prevented early on with the proper vaccinations. Although the disease isn’t possible for humans to contract, it can be spread quickly among cats. There are vaccinations that can treat the disease these days, although you’ll still want to be careful and not expose other cats around a cat you know has feline leukemia.
Another problem, which is very common with cats that stay outdoors, is worms. Cats that have worms will normally have a lackluster coat and little to no appetite. There are several different types of worms, including ringworm and hookworm. Worms can come from fleas, lice, or even the organs of dead rodents that cats consume. Normally, the cat will digest the eggs which will later mature and attach themselves to the walls of the intestines. If you feed your cat garlic frequently during feedings, it can help to protect him against worms.
If you take care of your cat, chances are you’ll keep him healthy for years to come. You should always make sure he has quality food, and doesn’t miss any of his scheduled checkups with the vet. If he gets the proper vaccinations when he is required to get them, he should be safe against numerous pests and diseases. Taking the proper steps with your cat now will prevent anything from happening in the future.
The difference between Dogs and Cats
Dogs and cats are two kinds of living things that made a lot of pets / pet / klangenan by humans. The dog is much more formerly maintained by humans, because it is reactive. As with the cat, the cat began to be a lot of pet animals around the last century.
Dogs and cats have extremely different properties, such as earth and sky. More reactive dog, likes to follow where their owners go out and seek the attention of the owner. Up came the notion that dogs are very faithful and loyal to the human owner. Lainhalnya with the cat, the cat seems to have high self-esteem and love to sleep for hours in a chair or the lap of its owner. So that appears presumption and pride for a cat owner, if the cat recognizes himself as the owner / employer. This recognition may be coming when his name was called or even to follow wherever their owners go.
Actually the difference nature of the reactive dog and cat who prefers to sleep, your metabolism is influenced by the system respectively. Dogs are omnivores (eating meat and plants). Dogs can live with just eating the plants only, such as rice, corn, wheat, etc.. therefore dogs have a longer intestine of cats, which allows the process of digestion and absorption of various types of food more perfect. In addition, the amount of food that can be digested even more.
Cats are carnivores / a true meat eater. Cats can not live if they do not consume meat. Intestine is much shorter than the intestine of dogs and can only digest food in small amounts. Therefore, cats tend to prefer sleep to save energy. Approximately 14-18 hours a day used the cat to sleep.
Dogs can use / eat meat and plants but, by nature dog food is the main meat. meaning that dogs can only live off plants, but better still if he had consumed meat.
Many miracles and privileges of cats that make people amazed. Starting from the ability to always land on their feet when falling from a height of up various stories and legends about cats since ancient Egyptian times, medieval to modern times.
The necessary nutrients dogs & cats
There are so many nutrients, the nutrients needed by dogs and cats in order to continue living healthy. Differences digestive system, causing differences in nutrient required by both.
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)
The human body can not produce enough vtamin C, therefore we need additional vitamin C from fruits or multivitamins. Lainhalnya with Dogs and cats, they can produce their own Vitamin C in the body.
Vitamin A (retinol)
Vitamin A is needed by dogs and cats to keep body cells healthy. Dogs can process carotenoids (vitamin A is not active) derived from plants. Cats do not have some of the enzymes necessary to convert carotenoids into vitamin A active, therefore the cat needs to eat meat in order to get vitamin A derived from active prey such as mice, rabbits, birds etc..
Vitamin B (Niacin)
Neither dogs nor cats can not produce niacin. Dogs have two forms of niacin in the active form and shape of tryptophan. Dogs can change the active tryptophan into niacin. Cats can not change tryptophan into niacin, therefore a cat should get niacin through food.
Arginine is a protein amino acid forming materials. Arginine is required in many metabolic processes.
Cats can not produce arginine and very sensitive to this deficiency. Cats need lots of protein and arginine is needed to help dispose of the remnants of a protein that has been used so as not to accumulate and poison the body.
Dogs are not so sensitive to arginine deficiency in the diet. Dogs have enzymes that can help provide the arginine from the body.
As well as arginine, taurine is an amino acid, taurine difference is not material forming protein. Taurine is spread throughout the body tissues. Necessary to maintain a healthy heart, retina, bile and reproduction.
Cats must consume taurine in active form. Taurine is only found in meat. Dogs can produce its own taurine in their bodies.
Felinine is a chemical that is produced only by a cat. Felinine made of sulfur-containing amino acid called cysteine. Cats are the only living creatures that require large amounts of cysteine to produce felinine.
Until now felinine function in the cat's body has not been clearly established. Allegedly associated with the disposal of the remains of metabolism.
Total Protein In Food
Protein and nutrients contained in food is not everything can be digested and absorbed by the body. Good food is a high percentage of undigested & absorption. Of all the proteins that can be absorbed, about 20% is used for growth and about 12% for basic needs (maintenance).
While the dog only use 12% to 4% growth and for maintenance. In other words, cats require more protein than dog food. Therefore, do not give the dog food in cats, because of inadequate nutritional needs of cats.
Arachidonic Acid (arachidonic acid)
Arachidonic acid are essential fatty acids (can not be produced by the body) are important in the formation of energy and burning fat. Dogs can make this compound by altering compounds linoleic acid (linoleic acid) to arachidonic acid.
Cats can not alter the linoleic acid into arachidonic acid, because it does not have a liver enzyme that is needed. Therefore, arachidonic acid essential for cats but not for dogs.
When Hunger Attack
The burning of body fat in cats is less efficient. Burning large amounts of fat can cause a condition called hepatic lipidosis. Therefore you should never puasakan fat cats, because heightens the risk of death.
Febrifuge adaah Paracetamol is often given to humans and dogs. In contrast, paracetamol can cause death in cats.
How to Maintain Existing Old Cat
Caring for Old Cats
That the older cat will usually be more stressful. But you can really reduce the stress level of the cat in the following ways. How do I mean here simply caring for cats only suggestions:• Place the bag (it would be better a blanket) in the cat's favorite bed. Create a better place than the standard care for cats.• Cats that are old do not usually like to eat, because swelling of the gums and tooth decay. You can warm the food before serving.• Cats get older will more often sleep. Do not give him too much food. Because if too much food and sleep can make obesity. Give your diet. Consult your doctor for a diet of this cat.• Most importantly take the cat to be checked regularly kesehatannya.Pemeriksaan which usually needs to be done is to teeth, gums and blood. Then do vaksinisasi further.• Do not leave the cat alone. If you must leave the rental or send someone to look afterLives of living things depends on who mencabutnya.Tapi we as humans still have to try to save the cat by way of caring for the cat. There should also you find a replacement for the cat before the cat is now dead. But do not ignore the old cat.
Litter Cleaning For Cats
Almost everyone, adults and kids alike have a natural fondness for cats. They are loving, quiet, and very playful pets that can provide you with years of entertainment. Although most of us have a fondness for cats, that fondness can rapidly diminish when it comes to the litter box. Even the most hardened cat lover may get tired of litter box duty, especially when it comes down to scooping “you know what” from the litter box.
Cats are very intelligent, instinctively knowing how they should use the litter box. After the cat has finished using the litter box, someone in the family will need to scoop the waste from the litter box. This can be a very dirty and somewhat smelly job, one that is often overlooked during the day when the workload gets heavy. Cleaning up the litter box doesn’t take but a few minutes, although most would prefer not to do it at all. Although the litter box will need to be scooped out daily, it will also need to be changed once a week as well, by throwing the current bag out and replacing the box with a new bag and fresh litter.
Those who don’t like to scoop out the litter box should invest in one of the best inventions ever – the self cleaning litter box. These litter boxes are easy to use, and will keep the area clean. After the cat has used it, the self cleaning litter box will automatically clean the litter either by sifting or using a device that resembles a rake.
Self cleaning boxes that use shifting will often times have a round design. Once the cat leaves the covered box, the dome on top will revolve for the box to clean. The litter in the box will be shifted with the waste being put below the litter where it is discarded. Once the waste is properly disposed of, the litter will be returned to its normal position in the box for the cat to use again.
Boxes that have raking systems will often times sport a rectangular design. Once the cat leaves the box, the rake will automatically come out and clean the litter. The rake will clean all of the litter in the box, including the clumps of waste as well. Rakes are popular, although the shifting litter boxes are by far more popular and more common.
Those who are often times away from home could greatly benefit from a self cleaning litter box. They are great to have for cats that spend a lot of time by themselves, as they virtually eliminate any scooping of litter on your part. You can find them at your local pet or department store, even online as well. They are very affordable – and ideal for anyone who doesn’t like scooping waste from their litter box.
How to Give a Cat Feed
There are at least two different ways / methods of feeding the cats, namely:
* Food is always available at the cat food dish. So when the cat wants to eat, food is available in its place. This method is good for a small cat (kitten) or cat that is still in its infancy. Be careful because there is the likelihood of overweight / obesity / overweight.
* Feeding is done in 2 or 3 times a day. Usually the food given in the morning and afternoon. This method is good for adult cats who have regular diet. Please note the amount of food provided, as shall be in accordance with their daily needs.
NB: water for drinking cats should always be available at all times.
Nutritional needs of cats
Diet cat is unique and different from the dog (do not feed the cats with food for dogs / dog food). Make sure you provide food for cats contain a number of vitamins and nutrients. Do not be tempted by low prices, because cheap does not mean good. Get used to examine the content of food, usually printed on the packaging. Here are some references for the cat's nutritional needs:
* high protein content, at least 25%. The higher the ingredient is usually better.
* Low-fat, fat digestion efficiency in cats is very low.
* Low pH (high acid degree).
* Low magnesium. High content of magnesium can cause interference in the urinary tract.
* Taurine
* Arachidonic acid (arachidonic acid)
* Vitamins and minerals (Vitamin A, B12, Niacin, Thiamin)
Type of food: wet (canned) or dry
1. dry food (dry food)
Dry food is usually good for a cat. Giving a good dry food for dental health, more durable and generally more nutritious because it contains many extra nutrients.
2. wet food (canned / wet food)
wet food / canned less well provided for the long term. These foods are usually more of a "junk food? for cats. In addition to poor dental health, because it often causes plaque and tartar and nutrient content are less complete. Cats are usually given wet food is usually rather difficult to switch to another type of food especially dry food.
Needs Food By Age & Condition
1. Kitten aged <1 year (kitten). Kittens can begin to be given food at the age of 3-4 weeks. Food provided is usually soaked in warm water to taste, crushed and pulverized. For the first time the kittens still need to be taught, fed with a dropper or apply a small portion of food in the mouth, then hold the plate of food to see if it will eat its own. Give special food for kittens (kitten) because it is usually a higher protein content and contains many nutrients needed for growth. Up to the age of 2-3 months the number / proportion of water in foods can be reduced gradually until the cat can eat dry food completely. 2.Kucing adults> 1 year (adult)
Adult cats weighing about 4-5 kg at least require energy from food is 300 calories. Provide adequate food and balanced nutrition, there are usually written "Complete? or "Balanced? on food packaging. Try not rabid cat / fed with the same brand continuously. Occasionally need to change brands of food for digestion trained on various types of food. Note also the pH and mineral content makananagar avoid urinary tract disorders.
3.Kucing pregnant & breastfeeding
At the time of pregnant and breast-feeding mother cats need food with high protein content. When bunting is usually given to kitten food because of higher protein content. Calcium supplements may be given to the mother who breastfeed their children.
Total Food
Adult cats weighing around 5 kg needs about 300 calories of food energy. Note the calorie content in food packaging, determine the amount of food to meet calorie needs for one day, then divide that amount in accordance with the frequency of meals (2 or 3 times a day).
As another benchmark that can be used, calculated from the weight of the cat. Usually every day cats eat about 2% of their body weight. So when the cat's weight 5 kg, the food takes about 2% x 5 Kg which is about 100 grams / day.