// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Pet Information: March 2011

3 Reasons why Some Dogs Will go to a Daily Walk

Many people think that small dogs don? T need to go for a walk because? They get enough exercise in the yard.? if the poor creatures do not come out on the end of a leash, it is only to liberate themselves.

but the truth is, little dogs really need to go on walks every day, like their larger cousins.

daily walks have an important psychological effect on dogs. Small dogs need:

1. to get tired every day with a period of significant, ongoing exercise.

2. learning new things about the world through all their senses.

3. knowing they belong to a healthy, safe social unity and to understand their place in it.

In other words, they need to experience acting as a dog. and dogs love to go for a ride.

it? s even more important if your pooch is overweight, as many small dogs are. take a small dog for a walk will give her all the stress-reducing benefits it gives you. her serotonin levels will rise, and levels of stress hormone cortisol will go down, giving her naturally calm himself. she? ll be happily tired after doing a real dog? s job to go on a nice long walk, so she? ll be able to come home from her walk relaxed, happy and content.

to go with a trusted, quiet owner (it? s you), she can take her place in the family and relax. someone else (again, it? s you) will decide when and where to go and when to come home. They will be there to guide and protect her from something unusual situations. she? ll get to act and be treated like the adult dog she really is.

so don? t let her size fool you? Small dogs need their walk as much as the giant dogs do. she may not be able to go as far or as long as you can, but she needs her walks.

It is a fact that the smallest dogs, glass poodles and toy yorkshire terriers, for example, Is the perfect pet for someone with debilitating arthritis. Your little pooch will love to go to the end of the block and back, she? ll get you out of house and talk to your neighbors, and she? ll give you hours of fun, loving friendship.

Plus, these little dogs are also too small to exert a dangerous tug on the leash, so even a well-trained older dog can do when he hears the chirping of the neighborhood squirrels.

with all these advantages for the small dog and it's loving human owner, who can resist taking their small dog for a daily walk?

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The bull mastiff dog origin and history

Bullmastiff origin

The bull mastiff origins and history show a good example of an assigned bred dog with a pedigree that can be easily traced and understood. The bull mastiff dog breed history originates from England and while its history is not as long and storied as other breeds, it is a close descendant of one of the oldest breed of dogs in England mastiff. The mastiff, a giant dog breed that descended from alaunt and Molossian, believed to have been introduced in ancient denmark more than 2000 years ago.

The bull mastiff was only introduced in about 1860 when the mastiff was crossed with the old English bulldog. at this time, gamekeepers needed a dog to help protect their estates and flocks from game poachers, mostly poachers of deer from their estate. The mastiff was apparently too slow and cumbersome for the job and the Bulldog was too small to be effective. solution was a mixture of about 60% to 40% mastiff bulldog, and thus create bull mastiff.

This new dog called "mastiff with a touch of bull" or more commonly bull mastiff, was just what gamekeepers needed to watch their estates as his dark coat and quiet demeanor could surprise poachers, and then, rather than maul or kill the criminals, they would pin them to the ground without biting them. The bull mastiff origin, so this is due to practical application and was commonly called the "gamekeeper's night dog".

bull mastiff dog breed history

The bull mastiff dog breed was used for some time as a gunner's guard, but eventually the bull mastiff was used in other capacities, such as a sentry or guard dog as well as working with the army and police. The crossing between the mastiff and bulldog and the magic 60/40 mix, continued, but eventually a purebred line was formed. In 1924 a series of compliance issues Founded in bull mastiff dog breed and it was recognized by the English Kennel Club in 1924.

The American Kennel Club later would recognize the breed in 1933. dog was as you know used to guard debe diamond mines in South Africa as well as John D. Rockefeller 's New York estate seems to be used in emergencies like the one in Mau-Mau uprising in Kenya.

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Dog cleaning tips: how to keep clean sheet

Housebreaking a puppy goes a long way in reducing the time, you have to spend cleaning your dog's accidents. for help to reduce cleanup time, try some of the ideas below.

1. premix in a spray bottle appropriate cleaning products like vinegar and water or detergent and water, so the products are ready when you need them. label spray bottles with their contents and store them in a convenient place. often precisely the strength of the spray on the spot where your dog accidentally left you? present? help loosen the residue and prevent stains from forming.

2. upholstered furniture is made in all styles and fabrics, and some are easier to clean than others. to help us with our cleaning needs, manufacturers have marked their furniture with a cleaning code or set of instructions to tell us, the consumers, and know what type of treatment proposed for this substance.

the codes are usually on furniture platforms under the pads. a "V" for instance means that the product should only be cleaned with water while the letter "s": furniture should only be cleaned with solvents. you should check the manufacturer's instructions and test-clean a spot in an inconspicuous location before using any cleaning product.

3. treat your carpet and upholstered furniture with paint-resistant product such as Scotchgard.

to take care of bacteria

in the whole scheme of things, we have a greater chance of being exposed to harmful bacteria from other people, or even the food we eat than we do from animals, but to remove bacteria from surfaces, as our dogs on foot or from our hands can help make our homes and ourselves more health measures. here are some weapons for your battle against bacteria:

1. if you are on a walk with your dog, bring your individually wrapped antibacterial wipe to clean and Hygienic your hands after picking up your dog's waste. antibacterial wipes can be purchased in most supermarkets and grocery stores.

2. use common household bleach to wipe down surfaces or clean floors to get rid of harmful bacteria. Rinse well and do not allow your dog to walk on the surface, while it is wet. if bleach gets on your dog's paws, he can take it when he licks his feet. be sure to pre-trials recommended a surface before cleaning with bleach to avoid any color changes.

3. Another option is to use an antibacterial cleaner with an odor neutralizer to eliminate bacteria and leave your house smelling clean.

4. washing dishes with detergent dog food daily to prevent bacterial growth. if your dog's food and water bowls are dishwasher safe, place them in the dishwasher, where high temperatures will kill bacteria.

took the time to prepare for the inevitable messes your dog will do is a good idea. caring for a dog can be a big task, but it should be a pleasant experience. by practicing common sense hygiene as described above, you will help keep you healthy, and both you and your dog happy.

The difference between Dogs and Cats

Dogs and cats are two kinds of living things that made a lot of pets / pet / klangenan by humans. The dog is much more formerly maintained by humans, because it is reactive. As with the cat, the cat began to be a lot of pet animals around the last century.

Dogs and cats have extremely different properties, such as earth and sky. More reactive dog, likes to follow where their owners go out and seek the attention of the owner. Up came the notion that dogs are very faithful and loyal to the human owner. Lainhalnya with the cat, the cat seems to have high self-esteem and love to sleep for hours in a chair or the lap of its owner. So that appears presumption and pride for a cat owner, if the cat recognizes himself as the owner / employer. This recognition may be coming when his name was called or even to follow wherever their owners go.

Actually the difference nature of the reactive dog and cat who prefers to sleep, your metabolism is influenced by the system respectively. Dogs are omnivores (eating meat and plants). Dogs can live with just eating the plants only, such as rice, corn, wheat, etc.. therefore dogs have a longer intestine of cats, which allows the process of digestion and absorption of various types of food more perfect. In addition, the amount of food that can be digested even more.

Cats are carnivores / a true meat eater. Cats can not live if they do not consume meat. Intestine is much shorter than the intestine of dogs and can only digest food in small amounts. Therefore, cats tend to prefer sleep to save energy. Approximately 14-18 hours a day used the cat to sleep.

Dogs can use / eat meat and plants but, by nature dog food is the main meat. meaning that dogs can only live off plants, but better still if he had consumed meat.

Many miracles and privileges of cats that make people amazed. Starting from the ability to always land on their feet when falling from a height of up various stories and legends about cats since ancient Egyptian times, medieval to modern times.

The necessary nutrients dogs & cats

There are so many nutrients, the nutrients needed by dogs and cats in order to continue living healthy. Differences digestive system, causing differences in nutrient required by both.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

The human body can not produce enough vtamin C, therefore we need additional vitamin C from fruits or multivitamins. Lainhalnya with Dogs and cats, they can produce their own Vitamin C in the body.

Vitamin A (retinol)

Vitamin A is needed by dogs and cats to keep body cells healthy. Dogs can process carotenoids (vitamin A is not active) derived from plants. Cats do not have some of the enzymes necessary to convert carotenoids into vitamin A active, therefore the cat needs to eat meat in order to get vitamin A derived from active prey such as mice, rabbits, birds etc..

Vitamin B (Niacin)

Neither dogs nor cats can not produce niacin. Dogs have two forms of niacin in the active form and shape of tryptophan. Dogs can change the active tryptophan into niacin. Cats can not change tryptophan into niacin, therefore a cat should get niacin through food.


Arginine is a protein amino acid forming materials. Arginine is required in many metabolic processes.

Cats can not produce arginine and very sensitive to this deficiency. Cats need lots of protein and arginine is needed to help dispose of the remnants of a protein that has been used so as not to accumulate and poison the body.

Dogs are not so sensitive to arginine deficiency in the diet. Dogs have enzymes that can help provide the arginine from the body.


As well as arginine, taurine is an amino acid, taurine difference is not material forming protein. Taurine is spread throughout the body tissues. Necessary to maintain a healthy heart, retina, bile and reproduction.

Cats must consume taurine in active form. Taurine is only found in meat. Dogs can produce its own taurine in their bodies.


Felinine is a chemical that is produced only by a cat. Felinine made of sulfur-containing amino acid called cysteine. Cats are the only living creatures that require large amounts of cysteine ​​to produce felinine.

Until now felinine function in the cat's body has not been clearly established. Allegedly associated with the disposal of the remains of metabolism.

Total Protein In Food

Protein and nutrients contained in food is not everything can be digested and absorbed by the body. Good food is a high percentage of undigested & absorption. Of all the proteins that can be absorbed, about 20% is used for growth and about 12% for basic needs (maintenance).

While the dog only use 12% to 4% growth and for maintenance. In other words, cats require more protein than dog food. Therefore, do not give the dog food in cats, because of inadequate nutritional needs of cats.

Arachidonic Acid (arachidonic acid)

Arachidonic acid are essential fatty acids (can not be produced by the body) are important in the formation of energy and burning fat. Dogs can make this compound by altering compounds linoleic acid (linoleic acid) to arachidonic acid.

Cats can not alter the linoleic acid into arachidonic acid, because it does not have a liver enzyme that is needed. Therefore, arachidonic acid essential for cats but not for dogs.

When Hunger Attack

The burning of body fat in cats is less efficient. Burning large amounts of fat can cause a condition called hepatic lipidosis. Therefore you should never puasakan fat cats, because heightens the risk of death.


Febrifuge adaah Paracetamol is often given to humans and dogs. In contrast, paracetamol can cause death in cats.

Indonesian Most Exotic Birds

1. Blue Bird of Paradise

Blue Bird of Paradise or the scientific name Paradisaea Rudolphi is a kind of medium-sized birds of paradise, with a length of about 30cm, of the genus Paradisaea.
Blue Bird of Paradise there are dispersion area in the mountainous forests of eastern Papua New Guinea and southeast, mostly from a height of 1,400 meters to a height of 1,800 meters above sea level.

2. Red Bird of Paradise

Red Bird of Paradise or the scientific name Paradisaea rubra is a kind of babbler bird of medium size, with a length of about 33cm, from the clan Paradisaea. Indonesian endemic, Red Bird of Paradise are found only in lowland forests on the island in the district Batanta Waigeo and Raja Ampat, West Irian Jaya province.

3. Peacock Blue

Peacock Peacock Blue or India, which the scientific name Pavo cristatus is one of three species of bird peacock. Peacock Blue has a glossy dark blue feathers. Adult male birds are large, can reach 230cm in length, with a very long tail cover green metallic. Blue Peacock population scattered in open forests with grasslands in India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bhutan. Previously this species was found also in Bangladesh, but now most probably extinct there.

4. Bali Starling

Bali Starling or the scientific name Leucopsar rothschildi is a kind of babbler bird-sized, approximately 25cm long, from the tribe Sturnidae. Endemic to Indonesia, the Bali Starling is only found in the woods west of the island of Bali. This bird is also the only species endemic to Bali, where in 1991 was crowned as the fauna symbol of Bali province. The existence of this endemic animals protected by law.

5. Cekakak Malay-forest

Cekakak-forest has a unique and distinctive voice. In general, they were loud. Siulannya rises and reads "kwii-kwii ...". Uniquely, each whistle was generated around one tone per second. Bird species live in the woods and hunt from a low perch. Unlike his voice is loud, this bird was rather shy. They only seek their prey from the ground with leaves keep turning.

6. Nuri Black Wings

Nuri Nuri black or red wing of Biak, is the scientific name Eos cyanogenia is a kind of parrot-sized, with a length of about 30cm, from the tribe Psittacidae. Endemic to Indonesia, Nuri-winged black only found in forest habitats in the coastal island of Biak and the islands in the Gulf of Paradise, Papua. This species is often found and nest in coconut plantations.

7. Kakatua Raja

This species lives at an altitude of 0-1520 feet above sea level, usually in groups. Cockatoos are generally long-lived, until reaching 60 years or more. Cockatoo inhabits primary and secondary forests are high and the edge of the forest; also monsoon forests (Nusa Tenggara), bersemak high forest, rare trees and shrubs whose tree farm is rare. From sea level to a height of 900 m (Sulawesi), 1520 m (Lombok), 1000 m (Sumbawa).

8. Crested Serpent Eagle (Elang Ular Bido)

This eagle was black with white lines at the end of the rear wing, seen while flying as a thick line. The wings bend upward (such as Java Eagle) and the next, forming the letter C that looks membusur. Another distinctive feature is the yellow skin with no hair around the eyes to the beak.

9. Maluku Cockatoo (Cacatua moluccensis)

Shape Description:
46-52 cm. Red-rose-crested old bangbang. The bottom and feathers flying a red-pink old bangbang; tail under the red-orange-yellow and dark pink bangbang.
Alone, in pairs and small groups; first in trees to sleep in groups of up to 16 birds. Generally not noticeable, except when flying to and from the location of trees to sleep when dusk and dawn. Although seen flying over the canopy but mostly flew below the canopy. Foraging quietly in the canopy and middle canopy layer.
Habitat: primary forest, secondary forest
endemic: embarrassment

10. Luntur Java (Apalharpactes Reinwadrtii)

Shape Description:
Large (34 cm), green and yellow. Adult: upper body shiny bluish green, the skin around the eyes blue. Tail glossy greenish blue, with three white fur-lined side and the wide end of white. Black primary feathers and white edges, green wing cover fine-striped yellow (male) or brown (female). Lower body yellow, with gray-green ribbon on the chest above. Young birds: generally brownish with brown kehijauan.Iris back a little blue, orange red beak (adult) and brown (young birds), legs orange.
Perched upright on a flat branch in the shade while waiting for an insect or loud. Fly from one perch to another perch with wings that rowdy.
Habitat: inhabits the mountain forests
endemic: Java

11. Mandar snoring (Aramidopsis plateni)

Shape Description:
29 cm. Rather long beak, neck-carat red rear light; tunggir Kadru; face and the bottom gray; throat whitish; side trestle belly black and white (possibly hidden); beak redness.
Alone, in pairs, and sometimes in family groups. Not too shy and sometimes easily observed, but not flashy, isolated and easily ignored. Unmute all day.
Habitat: Forests pamah primary and secondary forest, hills, mountain forest, secondary rain forest
endemic: Sulawesi

source: http://manajubelz.blogspot.com/2010/12/burung-burung-indonesia-yang-indah-dan.html # ixzz1GM3TAII7

How to Maintain Existing Old Cat

Caring for Old Cats

That the older cat will usually be more stressful. But you can really reduce the stress level of the cat in the following ways. How do I mean here simply caring for cats only suggestions:• Place the bag (it would be better a blanket) in the cat's favorite bed. Create a better place than the standard care for cats.• Cats that are old do not usually like to eat, because swelling of the gums and tooth decay. You can warm the food before serving.• Cats get older will more often sleep. Do not give him too much food. Because if too much food and sleep can make obesity. Give your diet. Consult your doctor for a diet of this cat.• Most importantly take the cat to be checked regularly kesehatannya.Pemeriksaan which usually needs to be done is to teeth, gums and blood. Then do vaksinisasi further.• Do not leave the cat alone. If you must leave the rental or send someone to look afterLives of living things depends on who mencabutnya.Tapi we as humans still have to try to save the cat by way of caring for the cat. There should also you find a replacement for the cat before the cat is now dead. But do not ignore the old cat.