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The cause of flu in cats

The disease is caused by the Feline Herpes Virus (FHV). Together with calicivirus and Chlamydia often causes flu in cats (cat flu).

Common symptoms
Cough, fever up to 41 OC, loss of appetite and weight loss, runny nose, sneezing, red eyes, swollen and watery diertai crusts in the eyelid.

This disease also causes inflammation of the cornea, the transparent part of the eye that serves to collect light. As a result, the cat bit sensitive to light and more like being in a dark place sometimes rubbing his eyes with his foot.

When cats infected pregnant
although rhinotracheitis mainly attack the upper respiratory tract, complications when pregnant can also occur such as pneumonia in young cats, kittens were born sick and miscarriage (abortion).

Treatment of sick cats
Consult with your veterinarian about medication and care for your cat. Isolation of sick cats, should be different from the other room with a healthy cat. Kurangsi stress confirm well-ventilated room with adequate air circulation. Give a drink and enough food, suapi if not eating. Clean the dirt on the nose and eye cat.

Drugs that are given usually depends on the symptoms. Antibiotics given to prevent secondary infections caused by bacteria. Eye drops or ointment is applied to reduce diseases of the eye. Decongestants are given to reduce the excessive mucus in the airways. Giving Lysin can interfere with reproduction (replication of the virus) and can increase appetite and accelerate healing.

Can cats with this disease be cured?
Generally, this disease does not cause death if handled properly. During the sick cats get enough fluids and nutrients that good food is usually a cat can heal itself after 70-10 days.

About 30% of this virus is a strain that is virulent and can cause death in old kitten and cat. Complications also can occur when there are secondary infections caused by bacteria.

In some cats with poor nutrition, runny nose and sneezing may occur sustainable.

Routine vaccination for prevention can be done to prevent severe disease. Kitten should be vaccinated at the age of 8-10 weeks, then repeated at the age of 12-14 weeks, only then is repeated every year.
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