// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// Pet Information

3 Reasons why Some Dogs Will go to a Daily Walk

Many people think that small dogs don? T need to go for a walk because? They get enough exercise in the yard.? if the poor creatures do not come out on the end of a leash, it is only to liberate themselves.

but the truth is, little dogs really need to go on walks every day, like their larger cousins.

daily walks have an important psychological effect on dogs. Small dogs need:

1. to get tired every day with a period of significant, ongoing exercise.

2. learning new things about the world through all their senses.

3. knowing they belong to a healthy, safe social unity and to understand their place in it.

In other words, they need to experience acting as a dog. and dogs love to go for a ride.

it? s even more important if your pooch is overweight, as many small dogs are. take a small dog for a walk will give her all the stress-reducing benefits it gives you. her serotonin levels will rise, and levels of stress hormone cortisol will go down, giving her naturally calm himself. she? ll be happily tired after doing a real dog? s job to go on a nice long walk, so she? ll be able to come home from her walk relaxed, happy and content.

to go with a trusted, quiet owner (it? s you), she can take her place in the family and relax. someone else (again, it? s you) will decide when and where to go and when to come home. They will be there to guide and protect her from something unusual situations. she? ll get to act and be treated like the adult dog she really is.

so don? t let her size fool you? Small dogs need their walk as much as the giant dogs do. she may not be able to go as far or as long as you can, but she needs her walks.

It is a fact that the smallest dogs, glass poodles and toy yorkshire terriers, for example, Is the perfect pet for someone with debilitating arthritis. Your little pooch will love to go to the end of the block and back, she? ll get you out of house and talk to your neighbors, and she? ll give you hours of fun, loving friendship.

Plus, these little dogs are also too small to exert a dangerous tug on the leash, so even a well-trained older dog can do when he hears the chirping of the neighborhood squirrels.

with all these advantages for the small dog and it's loving human owner, who can resist taking their small dog for a daily walk?

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